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Where's Mitzi

This is the web home of Mitzi, a rescue dog that was saved by love, training and a ton of exercise!

mitzi-red-harnessMy name is Mitzi. I am a rescue dog. I had many homes before I met my wonderful first foster mom, Linda. Everyone kept returning me to the shelter. I had too much energy! Linda would take care of me in between adoptions, but when Linda sustained an injury, I was too much for even her to handle.

I went to my new home, with Mommy Michele and Granny Fran, and a bunch of kitties! But I still had waaay too much energy and even I couldn’t control my behavior. Everything was just too much. And, I LOVED to run…Run away that is! But running away is not safe so my mommy wouldn’t let me.

One day Mommy figured out a way that I could run, but not run away! She attached a few leashes to me (it’s very complicated but I feel fine) and I could run beside her on her bicycle. Yeah!!! A way to get all of my energy out. Finally, my husky side that needs to run is satisfied.

I have to know a lot of special commands, like Gee (turn right), Haw (turn left), Watch (watch the bike), Leave It (ignore that squirrel, dog, bunny, etc), Slow, Stop, Straight, Pull Over, Don’t Eat Poison Ivy (don’t eat poison ivy when I am pulled over for a pee) and AHHH! (move quick because something’s about to happen!) It helps my border collie mind stay engaged, and builds the bond between myself and my mommy.

Being able to run has helped me soooo much! In the beginning, my mommy took me on a run of at least 5 km almost every day, even in the winter. I expend all of my energy on runs, and the rest of the day I am very comfortable to just relax and enjoy a dog’s life. I am learning how to be more and more of a good girl all the time. My whole life is different!

One of the most fun parts of my runs is sometimes we see kitties! I don’t bother them because I’m beside the bike of course, but they do make me run faster. They are so pretty and exciting. My mommy sometimes calls the kitties Street Cats if we see them near the road.

So I am very excited that now we support Street Cats Animal Rescue in Barrie, Ontario. They are a great group of volunteers that save homeless kitties, restore them to health and find them great homes.

Thank-you for visiting my web site, and I hope you will join me on FaceBook. I like to share about my progress, the kitties I am helping and inspiring animal stories.

And, keep in touch, because one day, I hope to take some longer runs in new locations, to help even more kitties!

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